young adults at Bible study

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Glenwood began as a Sunday School in 1936, serving the youth of a farming community. The Sunday School became a church gathering as parents joined their children. The church was incorporated in 1944 with the name, Minnehaha Community Church. The church slowly grew through many years of transition. While a building was constructed, the church met in local meeting halls and schools.

In the late 1980s, the facilities no longer met the growing ministry needs. With much prayer and consideration, the building was sold, and the church began meeting in rented facilities, including eight years at Fort Vancouver High School. It was a formative time for our church, moving out of a comfortable building and into an unknown future, trusting in God’s faithfulness.

We purchased the land for our current facilities and changed our name to Glenwood Community Church in 1995. Our first worship service in the new building took place in December 1998. In 2005, we transitioned to multiple Sunday morning worship services. The church staff increased in size as well, providing a much needed team to lead and direct developing ministries.